Friday, November 24, 2006

Your Godparents

Well Nico those two good looking persons you see are your cousins Maria and Michael, we also happen to be your Godparents. I think we were all at someones birthday en casa de Mama y Papa Coco(your grandparents). This happened around November 24th 2005, if you want more pictures from this day just give me a call. When you are first able to read this you will probably be to young to call me yourself so have mom or dad call me. Anyways i made this web site so you, Maria and I can stay in touch even though you are in MA and I am in PR. This way you can post pictures of yourself when you first walk or go potty by yourself, or your first baseball game or whatever you want. Maybe you will like to surf and windsurf. Your mom used to windsurf so its in your blood :) Well I hope to see some pictures soon.


Michael and Maria

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