Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Xmas and New Years 2007

So this night your parents went out to party for new years and left you, your brother and your sister with Katgie and I. We went to the game rome and all the older kids played video games and you, well you pretended to play video games... sorry dude. Anyways you behaved pretty well, now your sister... :) This night you were kind of tired and out of it so you weren't really to active this night, I think you were the first one to fall asleep. You feel asleep on the floor and nothing could wake you up not even me carrying you and almost dropping you before I could get you to the bed. O by the way I was super sick so if you got sick afterwards... sorry man!

The next night Katgie and I came over again to baby sit but it was just you this time, and this time you were ready to rumble. Right after your mom left you had a small temper tantrum and then proceeded to smack everything you could in the hotel room with your bat that you got for Xmas. You sang the monkeys jumping on the bed song... I wonder why???? You also drank a lot of water and sucked on your blankie a lot. But the coolest thing you did was after we already got you under the covers and in bed and watching lets make a deal with Howie Mandell, you jumped up ran to the sliding door and started saying airplane airplane airplane and started hitting the glass. At first i thought well cool he likes airplanes like me, but now i realize what you were trying to communicate in baby speak... I want to go home, I want to go home, I want to go home, you actually did this twice. The second time I had to turn off the TV to get you to come back to bed and this time your were out for good. Nice talent by the way you watched tv backward for about half an our.